Overlooks all phases of the production of the newspaper. Consults all execs, delegates tasks, reviews each department's work, and ensures the accomplishment of all assignments. Calls and leads meetings. The Editor-In-Chief is involved in all departments and must then possess at least basic knowledge in all departments, including spread design, journalism, and photography. Co-Editor-In-Chiefs will be considered.
Head Spread Designer
Designs overall layout of the newspaper and assigns section designers. Must have knowledge in Adobe InDesign and previous graphic design experience.
Head Print Editor
Proofreads each article of the newspaper, edits for each section, and assigns editors. Must have strong writing skills.
Head of Photography
Reviews all photos in the newspaper and edits them to fit newspaper's needs. Responsible for taking newspaper's photography, delegating photographers, and teaching photographers basic principles of photography. Must have knowledge of professional photography and editing programs (eg. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom), and experience with a DSLR.
Head of Journalism
Assigns stories to writers, writes articles for every issue, and helps decide written content for each issue. Reads all articles, helps journalists write, and helps write headlines. Responsible for staying up-tp-date on school events. Must have strong writing skills.
Opinion/Editorial Editor
Writes the editorials. Responsible for leading discussions to help members come to an agreement on what stance to take on key issues. Must have strong writing skills.
Graphics/Media Director
Responsible for editing all graphics (illustrations, advertisements, etc.) in the newspaper, as well as making them. Makes poster designs, social media posts, newspaper's illustrations, and other needed graphics to help attract readers. Must have graphic design experience and knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
Marketing Director
Responsible for running our social media and website, putting up posters, making PA announcements, updating our bulletin board, and increasing overall engagement.
Overlooks all phases of the production of the newspaper. Consults all execs, delegates tasks, reviews each department's work, and ensures the accomplishment of all assignments. Calls and leads meetings. The Editor-In-Chief is involved in all departments and must then possess at least basic knowledge in all departments, including spread design, journalism, and photography. Co-Editor-In-Chiefs will be considered.
Head Spread Designer
Designs overall layout of the newspaper and assigns section designers. Must have knowledge in Adobe InDesign and previous graphic design experience.
Head Print Editor
Proofreads each article of the newspaper, edits for each section, and assigns editors. Must have strong writing skills.
Head of Photography
Reviews all photos in the newspaper and edits them to fit newspaper's needs. Responsible for taking newspaper's photography, delegating photographers, and teaching photographers basic principles of photography. Must have knowledge of professional photography and editing programs (eg. Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom), and experience with a DSLR.
Head of Journalism
Assigns stories to writers, writes articles for every issue, and helps decide written content for each issue. Reads all articles, helps journalists write, and helps write headlines. Responsible for staying up-tp-date on school events. Must have strong writing skills.
Opinion/Editorial Editor
Writes the editorials. Responsible for leading discussions to help members come to an agreement on what stance to take on key issues. Must have strong writing skills.
Graphics/Media Director
Responsible for editing all graphics (illustrations, advertisements, etc.) in the newspaper, as well as making them. Makes poster designs, social media posts, newspaper's illustrations, and other needed graphics to help attract readers. Must have graphic design experience and knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
Marketing Director
Responsible for running our social media and website, putting up posters, making PA announcements, updating our bulletin board, and increasing overall engagement.